2Chronicles 26:19 - Prayer Tents

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2Chronicles 26
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2Chronicles 26

Uzziah Rules in Judah

26All the people of Judah had crowned Amaziah's sixteen-year-old son, Uzziah, as king in place of his father.H5971H3063H3947H5818H8337H6240H8141H1121H4427H1H5582After his father's death, Uzziah rebuilt the town of Elathc and restored it to Judah.H1129H359H7725H3063H310H4428H7901H13Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-two years. His mother was Jecoliah from Jerusalem.H8337H6240H8141H1121H5818H4427H4427H2572H8147H8141H3389H517H8034H3203H33894He did what was pleasing in the LORD's sight, just as his father, Amaziah, had done.H6213H3477H5869H3068H1H558H62135Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah, who taught him to fear Godc. And as long as the king sought guidance from the LORD, God gave him success.H1875H430H3117H2148H995H7200H430H3117H1875H3068H430H67436Uzziah declared war on the Philistines and broke down the walls of Gath, Jabneh, and Ashdod. Then he built new towns in the Ashdod area and in other parts of Philistia.H3318H3898H6430H6555H2346H1661H2346H2996H2346H795H1129H5892H795H64307God helped him in his wars against the Philistines, his battles with the Arabs of Gurc, and his wars with the Meunites.H430H5826H6430H6163H3427H1485H45868The Meunitesc paid annual tribute to him, and his fame spread even to Egypt, for he had become very powerful.H5984H5414H4503H5818H8034H3212H935H4714H2388H46059Uzziah built fortified towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate, and at the angle in the wall.H5818H1129H4026H3389H6438H8179H1516H8179H4740H238810He also constructed forts in the wilderness and dug many water cisterns, because he kept great herds of livestock in the foothills of Judahc and on the plains. He was also a man who loved the soil. He had many workers who cared for his farms and vineyards, both on the hillsides and in the fertile valleys.H1129H4026H4057H2672H7227H953H7227H4735H8219H4334H406H3755H2022H3760H157H12711Uzziah had an army of well-trained warriors, ready to march into battle, unit by unit. This army had been mustered and organized by Jeiel, the secretary of the army, and his assistant, Maaseiah. They were under the direction of Hananiah, one of the king's officials.H5818H2428H4421H6213H3318H6635H1416H4557H6486H3027H3273H5608H4641H7860H3027H2608H4428H826912These regiments of mighty warriors were commanded by 2,600 clan leaders.H4557H7218H1H1368H2428H505H8337H396713The army consisted of 307,500 men, all elite troops. They were prepared to assist the king against any enemy.H3027H2428H6635H7969H3967H505H7651H505H2568H3967H6213H4421H2428H3581H5826H4428H34114Uzziah provided the entire army with shields, spears, helmets, coats of mail, bows, and sling stones.H5818H3559H6635H4043H7420H3553H8302H7198H7050H6815And he built structures on the walls of Jerusalem, designed by experts to protect those who shot arrows and hurled large stonesc from the towers and the corners of the wall. His fame spread far and wide, for the LORD gave him marvelous help, and he became very powerful.H6213H3389H2810H4284H2803H4026H6438H3384H2671H1419H68H8034H3318H7350H6381H5826H3588H2388

Uzziah’s Sin and Punishment

16But when he had become powerful, he also became proud, which led to his downfall. He sinned against the LORD his God by entering the sanctuary of the LORD's Temple and personally burning incense on the incense altar.H2393H3820H1361H7843H4603H3068H430H935H1964H3068H6999H4196H700417Azariah the high priest went in after him with eighty other priests of the LORD, all brave men.H5838H3548H935H310H8084H3548H3068H2428H112118They confronted King Uzziah and said, "It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD. That is the work of the priests alone, the descendants of Aaron who are set apart for this work. Get out of the sanctuary, for you have sinned. The LORD God will not honor you for this!"H5975H5818H4428H559H5818H6999H3068H3548H1121H175H6942H6999H3318H4720H4603H3519H3068H43019Uzziah, who was holding an incense burner, became furious. But as he was standing there raging at the priests before the incense altar in the LORD's Temple, leprosyc suddenly broke out on his forehead.H5818H2196H4730H3027H6999H2196H3548H6883H2224H4696H6440H3548H1004H3068H7004H419620When Azariah the high priest and all the other priests saw the leprosy, they rushed him out. And the king himself was eager to get out because the LORD had struck him.H5838H7218H3548H3548H6437H6879H4696H926H1765H3318H3068H506021So King Uzziah had leprosy until the day he died. He lived in isolation in a separate house, for he was excluded from the Temple of the LORD. His son Jotham was put in charge of the royal palace, and he governed the people of the land.H5818H4428H6879H3117H4194H3427H2669H2669H1004H6879H1504H1004H3068H3147H1121H4428H1004H8199H5971H77622The rest of the events of Uzziah's reign, from beginning to end, are recorded by the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz.H3499H1697H5818H7223H314H3470H5030H1121H531H378923When Uzziah died, he was buried with his ancestors; his grave was in a nearby burial field belonging to the kings, for the people said, "He had leprosy." And his son Jotham became the next king.H5818H7901H1H6912H1H7704H6900H4428H559H6879H3147H1121H4427

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
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