Ezekiel 45:9 - Prayer Tents

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Ezekiel 45
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Ezekiel 45

Division of the Land

45“When you divide the land among the tribes of Israel, you must set aside a section for the Lord as his holy portion. This piece of land will be 8 1/3 miles long and 6 2/3 miles widec. The entire area will be holy.H5307H776H5159H7311H8641H3068H6944H776H753H753H2568H6242H505H7341H6235H505H6944H1366H54392A section of this land, measuring 875 feet by 875 feetc, will be set aside for the Temple. An additional strip of land 87 1/2 feet wide is to be left empty all around it.H6944H2568H3967H2568H3967H7251H5439H2572H520H5439H40543Within the larger sacred area, measure out a portion of land 8 1/3 miles long and 3 1/3 miles widec. Within it the sanctuary of the Most Holy Place will be located.H4060H4058H753H2568H6242H505H7341H6235H505H4720H6944H69444This area will be holy, set aside for the priests who minister to the Lord in the sanctuary. They will use it for their homes, and my Temple will be located within it.H6944H776H3548H8334H4720H7131H8334H3068H4725H1004H4720H47205The strip of sacred land next to it, also 8 1/3 miles long and 3 1/3 miles wide, will be a living area for the Levites who work at the Temple. It will be their possession and a place for their townsc.H2568H6242H505H753H6235H505H7341H3881H8334H1004H272H6242H39576“Adjacent to the larger sacred area will be a section of land 8 1/3 miles long and 1 2/3 miles widec. This will be set aside for a city where anyone in Israel can live.H5414H272H5892H2568H505H7341H2568H6242H505H753H5980H8641H6944H1004H34787“Two special sections of land will be set apart for the prince. One section will share a border with the east side of the sacred lands and city, and the second section will share a border on the west side. Then the far eastern and western borders of the prince’s lands will line up with the eastern and western boundaries of the tribal areas.H5387H8641H6944H272H5892H6440H8641H6944H6440H272H5892H3220H6285H3220H6924H6285H6921H753H5980H259H2506H3220H1366H6921H13668These sections of land will be the prince’s allotment. Then my princes will no longer oppress and rob my people; they will assign the rest of the land to the people, giving an allotment to each tribe.H776H272H3478H5387H3238H5971H776H5414H1004H3478H7626

Rules for the Princes

9“For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Enough, you princes of Israel! Stop your violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Quit robbing and cheating my people out of their land. Stop expelling them from their homes, says the Sovereign Lord.H5002H136H3069H7227H5387H3478H5493H2555H7701H6213H4941H6666H7311H1646H5971H559H136H306910Use only honest weights and scales and honest measures, both dry and liquidc.H6664H3976H6664H374H6664H132411The homerc will be your standard unit for measuring volume. The ephah and the bath will each measure one-tenth of a homer.H374H1324H259H8506H1324H5375H4643H2563H374H6224H2563H4971H256312The standard unit for weight will be the silver shekelc. One shekel will consist of twenty gerahs, and sixty shekels will be equal to one mina.H8255H6242H1626H6242H8255H2568H6242H8255H2568H6235H8255H4488

Special Offerings and Celebrations

13“You must give this tax to the prince: one bushel of wheat or barley for every 60c you harvest,H8641H7311H8345H374H2563H2406H8341H374H2563H818414one percent of your olive oilc,H2706H8081H1324H8081H4643H1324H3734H2563H6235H1324H6235H1324H256315and one sheep or goat for every 200 in your flocks in Israel. These will be the grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings that will make atonement for the people who bring them, says the Sovereign Lord.H259H7716H6629H3967H4945H3478H4503H5930H8002H3722H5002H136H306916All the people of Israel must join in bringing these offerings to the prince.H5971H776H8641H5387H347817The prince will be required to provide offerings that are given at the religious festivals, the new moon celebrations, the Sabbath days, and all other similar occasions. He will provide the sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, liquid offerings, and peace offerings to purify the people of Israel, making them right with the Lordc.H5387H5930H4503H5262H2282H2320H7676H4150H1004H3478H6213H2403H4503H5930H8002H3722H1004H347818“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: In early spring, on the first day of each new yearc, sacrifice a young bull with no defects to purify the Temple.H559H136H3069H7223H259H2320H3947H1121H1241H6499H8549H2398H472019The priest will take blood from this sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the Temple, the four corners of the upper ledge of the altar, and the gateposts at the entrance to the inner courtyard.H3548H3947H1818H2403H5414H4201H1004H702H6438H5835H4196H4201H8179H6442H269120Do this also on the seventh day of the new year for anyone who has sinned through error or ignorance. In this way, you will purifyc the Temple.H6213H7651H2320H376H7686H6612H3722H100421“On the fourteenth day of the first monthc, you must celebrate the Passover. This festival will last for seven days. The bread you eat during that time must be made without yeast.H7223H702H6240H3117H2320H6453H2282H7620H3117H4682H39822On the day of Passover the prince will provide a young bull as a sin offering for himself and the people of Israel.H3117H5387H6213H5971H776H6499H240323On each of the seven days of the feast he will prepare a burnt offering to the Lord, consisting of seven young bulls and seven rams without defects. A male goat will also be given each day for a sin offering.H7651H3117H2282H6213H5930H3068H7651H6499H7651H352H8549H3117H7651H3117H8163H5795H3117H240324The prince will provide a basket of flour as a grain offering and a gallon of olive oilc with each young bull and ram.H6213H4503H374H6499H374H352H1969H8081H37425“During the seven days of the Festival of Shelters, which occurs every year in early autumnc, the prince will provide these same sacrifices for the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the grain offering, along with the required olive oil.H7651H2568H6240H3117H2320H6213H2282H7637H3117H2403H5930H4503H8081

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
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