John 3:8, 10 - Prayer Tents

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John 3
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John 3

3There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee.G1161G2258G444G1537G5330G3686G846G3530G758G24532After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus. "Rabbi," he said, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you."G3778G2064G4314G2424G3571G2532G2036G846G4461G1492G3754G2064G1320G2064G575G2316G1063G3762G1410G4160G5023G4592G3739G4771G4160G3362G2316G5600G3326G8463Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, unless you are born againc, you cannot see the Kingdom of God."G2424G611G2532G2036G846G281G281G3004G4671G3362G5100G1080G509G1410G3756G1492G932G23164"What do you mean?" exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?"G3530G3004G4314G846G4459G1410G444G1080G5607G1088G3361G1410G1525G1208G1519G846G3384G2836G2532G10805Jesus replied, "I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spiritc.G2424G611G281G281G3004G4671G3362G5100G1080G1537G5204G2532G4151G3756G1410G1525G1519G932G23166Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual lifec.G1080G1537G4561G2076G4561G2532G1080G1537G4151G2076G41517So don't be surprised when I say, 'Youc must be born again.'G2296G3361G3754G2036G4671G5209G1163G1080G5098The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit."G4151G4154G3699G2309G2532G191G5456G846G235G1492G3756G1492G4159G2064G2532G4226G5217G3779G2076G3956G1080G1537G41519"How are these things possible?" Nicodemus asked.G3530G611G2532G2036G846G4459G1410G5023G109610Jesus replied, "You are a respected Jewish teacher, and yet you don't understand these things?G2424G611G2532G2036G846G1488G4771G1320G2474G2532G1097G3756G502311I assure you, we tell you what we know and have seen, and yet you won't believe our testimony.G281G281G3004G4671G2980G3754G3739G1492G2532G3140G3739G3708G2532G2983G3756G2257G314112But if you don't believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things?G1487G2036G5213G1919G2532G4100G3756G4459G4100G1437G2036G5213G203213No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Manc has come down from heaven.G2532G3762G305G1519G3772G1508G2597G1537G3772G5207G444G3588G5607G1722G377214And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,G2532G2531G3475G5312G3789G1722G2048G3779G1163G5207G444G531215so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal lifec.G3363G3956G4100G1519G846G622G3363G622G235G2192G166G222216"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.G1063G2316G3779G25G2889G5620G1325G846G3439G5207G2443G3956G4100G1519G846G622G3361G622G235G2192G166G222217God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.G1063G2316G649G3756G846G5207G1519G2889G2443G2919G2889G235G2443G2889G1223G846G498218"There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son.G4100G1519G846G2919G3756G2919G1161G4100G3361G2919G2235G3754G4100G3361G4100G1519G3686G3439G5207G231619And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.G1161G3778G2076G2920G3754G5457G2064G1519G2889G2532G444G25G4655G3123G2228G5457G1063G846G2041G2258G419020All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.G1063G3956G4238G5337G3404G5457G2532G3756G2064G4314G5457G3363G846G2041G165121But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wantsc."G1161G4160G225G2064G4314G5457G2443G846G2041G5319G3754G2076G2038G1722G2316

John the Baptist Exalts Jesus

22Then Jesus and his disciples left Jerusalem and went into the Judean countryside. Jesus spent some time with them there, baptizing people.G3326G5023G2064G2424G2532G846G3101G1519G1093G2449G2532G1563G1304G3326G846G2532G90723At this time John the Baptist was baptizing at Aenon, near Salim, because there was plenty of water there; and people kept coming to him for baptism.G1161G2491G2532G2258G907G1722G137G1451G4530G3754G2258G4183G5204G1563G2532G3854G2532G90724(This was before John was thrown into prison.)G1063G2491G2258G3768G906G1519G543825A debate broke out between John's disciples and a certain Jewc over ceremonial cleansing.G3767G1096G2214G3326G1537G2491G3101G2453G4012G251226So John's disciples came to him and said, "Rabbi, the man you met on the other side of the Jordan River, the one you identified as the Messiah, is also baptizing people. And everybody is going to him instead of coming to us."G2532G2064G4314G2491G2532G2036G846G4461G3739G2258G3326G4675G4008G2446G3739G4771G3140G2396G3778G907G2532G3956G2064G4314G84627John replied, "No one can receive anything unless God gives it from heaven.G2491G611G2532G2036G444G1410G3756G2983G3762G3362G5600G1325G846G1537G377228You yourselves know how plainly I told you, 'I am not the Messiah. I am only here to prepare the way for him.'G5210G846G3140G3427G3140G3754G2036G1473G1510G3756G5547G235G3754G1510G649G1715G156529It is the bridegroom who marries the bride, and the best man is simply glad to stand with him and hear his vows. Therefore, I am filled with joy at his success.G2192G3565G2076G3566G1161G5384G3566G3588G2476G2532G191G846G5463G5479G1223G3566G5456G3778G1699G5479G3767G413730He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.G1565G1163G837G1161G1691G164231"He has come from above and is greater than anyone else. We are of the earth, and we speak of earthly things, but he has come from heaven and is greater than anyone elsec.G2064G509G2076G1883G3956G5607G1537G1093G2076G1537G1093G2532G2980G1537G1093G2064G1537G3772G2076G1883G395632He testifies about what he has seen and heard, but how few believe what he tells them!G2532G3739G3708G2532G191G5124G3140G2532G3762G2983G846G314133Anyone who accepts his testimony can affirm that God is true.G2983G846G3141G4972G3754G2316G2076G22734For he is sent by God. He speaks God's words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit.G1063G3739G2316G649G2980G4487G2316G1063G2316G1325G3756G4151G1537G335835The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his hands.G3962G25G5207G2532G1325G3956G1722G846G549536And anyone who believes in God's Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesn't obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God's angry judgment."G4100G1519G5207G2192G166G2222G1161G544G5207G3700G3756G3700G2222G235G3709G2316G3306G1909G846

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
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