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Prayer Tents Bible Multiple Verses Lookup - Prayer Tents
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New Living Translation (NLT) 🔊
The Passion Translation (TPT) 🔊
The Message (MSG) 🔊
English Standard Version (ESV) 🔊
New International Version (NIV) 🔊
New King James Version (NKJV) 🔊
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 🔊
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Amplified Bible (AMP)
King James Version (KJV)
--Korean (한국어)--
쉬운 성경 (EASY) 🔊
개역 한글 (HRV)
개역 개정 (NKRV)
공동번역 개정판 (1999) (NKCB)
한글 메시지 (kMSG)
Nueva Traduccion Viviente (NTV)
Reina-Valera (Spanish) (RVR1960) 🔊
Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB)
Chinese Union Bible (Simplified) (CUVS) 🔊
Chinese Union Bible (Traditional) (CUV) 🔊
--Other Languages--
Septuagint (Koine Greek - OT only) (Septuagint)
Original Languages (OT Hebrew, NT Greek) (HebGrk) 🔊
Japanese Living Bible (JLB) 🔊
Arabic Bible (Smith and Van Dyke Translation) (Arabic)
Hindi Bible (BSI) 🔊
Joao Ferreira de Almeida (Portuguese) (JFA) 🔊
Vulgate (Latin) (Vulgate) 🔊
--Less-used English--
Good News Translation (GNT)
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
International Standard Version (ISV)
Today's New International Version (TNIV)
New International Version (1984) (NIV84)
--Less-used Korean--
현대인의 성경 (KLB)
한글 킹제임스 (KKJV)
바른성경 (KTV)
새번역 (kNRSV)
우리말 성경 (DOB)
개역 한글판 (국한문) (kchHRV)
바른 성경 (국한문) (kchKTV)
개역 개정판 (국한문) (kchNKRV)
가톨릭 성경 (CATH)
개역 국한문 (HCHV)
킹제임스 흠정역 (HKJV)
공동번역 개정판(1977) (KCB)
현대어성경 (TKV)