Sang Sur - Prayer Tents
Scriptures Marked by Sang Sur
Monday, October 5, 2020
Being slaves for the Lord makes it easier In life, there are times when we wonder if we are doing the best or the right things. We may have so much we need to (or perhaps want to) do, and recognize ... [see more]
Being slaves for the Lord makes it easier In life, there are times when we wonder if we are doing the best or the right things. We may have so much we need to (or perhaps want to) do, and recognize ... [see more]
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Let us be people who are reliable and trustworthy. This means a person who does what s/he says s/he would do. It also means to not make promises one would not keep. Keeping these in little things mat... [see more]
Let us be people who are reliable and trustworthy. This means a person who does what s/he says s/he would do. It also means to not make promises one would not keep. Keeping these in little things mat... [see more]
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Self-discipline vs allowing God to transform our minds Latter part of chapter 2 talks about the seeming importance of following certain rules because it requires self-discipline, a good quality for C... [see more]
Self-discipline vs allowing God to transform our minds Latter part of chapter 2 talks about the seeming importance of following certain rules because it requires self-discipline, a good quality for C... [see more]
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Take interest in others and in what God wants Verses 4 and 21 tell us about the default mindset of man, which is to care for ourselves. Yet, Paul says the mind of Christ is set on the things of God a... [see more]
Take interest in others and in what God wants Verses 4 and 21 tell us about the default mindset of man, which is to care for ourselves. Yet, Paul says the mind of Christ is set on the things of God a... [see more]
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Gifts from God 1. Faith to believe in Him 2. Suffer for Jesus What can this suffering mean? It can mean that we have a kingdom task to accomplish, and that God will involve us in His work. We would... [see more]
Gifts from God 1. Faith to believe in Him 2. Suffer for Jesus What can this suffering mean? It can mean that we have a kingdom task to accomplish, and that God will involve us in His work. We would... [see more]
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Make the best choices by being dependent on the Holy Spirit Verse 17 begins "don't act thoughtlessly" because such actions may not be optimal, and it may even result in negative consequence. Verse 1... [see more]
Make the best choices by being dependent on the Holy Spirit Verse 17 begins "don't act thoughtlessly" because such actions may not be optimal, and it may even result in negative consequence. Verse 1... [see more]
Friday, September 25, 2020
Old Testament now matters to us Majority of the Christians I know are not of Jewish descent. Yet, the Old Testament, which the Jews believe in matters to the non-Jewish Christians including myself.... [see more]
Old Testament now matters to us Majority of the Christians I know are not of Jewish descent. Yet, the Old Testament, which the Jews believe in matters to the non-Jewish Christians including myself.... [see more]
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Need for one another Carrying the load together is one thing, but often, we may miss verse 3, where people decide it is not as worth it for them to continue to carry each other's burdens (including c... [see more]
Need for one another Carrying the load together is one thing, but often, we may miss verse 3, where people decide it is not as worth it for them to continue to carry each other's burdens (including c... [see more]
Monday, September 21, 2020
Though we are no longer bound to the laws and regulations given to the Jews, we have one command of God to follow, which is to love one another. That is, to serve one another out of love.
Though we are no longer bound to the laws and regulations given to the Jews, we have one command of God to follow, which is to love one another. That is, to serve one another out of love.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Work diligently to be influential Though salvation and relationship with God are not by works, working hard makes us influential so that we may reach more people for Jesus. Then, while being in a rel... [see more]
Work diligently to be influential Though salvation and relationship with God are not by works, working hard makes us influential so that we may reach more people for Jesus. Then, while being in a rel... [see more]
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Overdoing the welcome. In this passage the old prophet seems as if he went overboard to welcome the perhaps-queer-prophet of God. We do not know the context why the old prophet went out of the way to... [see more]
Overdoing the welcome. In this passage the old prophet seems as if he went overboard to welcome the perhaps-queer-prophet of God. We do not know the context why the old prophet went out of the way to... [see more]
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Be grateful for the now Many people long for something else, somewhere else, or some other circumstance. Yet, with that attitude, there will always be something missing. Rather, be grateful for wher... [see more]
Be grateful for the now Many people long for something else, somewhere else, or some other circumstance. Yet, with that attitude, there will always be something missing. Rather, be grateful for wher... [see more]
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Heart of giving is sustainable As opposed to worldly knowledge, the Bible promises both physical and emotional/spiritual replenishment as we give (both physically, emotionally, and spiritually) to ot... [see more]
Heart of giving is sustainable As opposed to worldly knowledge, the Bible promises both physical and emotional/spiritual replenishment as we give (both physically, emotionally, and spiritually) to ot... [see more]
Sunday, September 20, 2020
In order to be a wise leader in a world that desperately needs good leadership - be able to listen - be in relationship with those who are able to hear from God (those who too are able to listen)
In order to be a wise leader in a world that desperately needs good leadership - be able to listen - be in relationship with those who are able to hear from God (those who too are able to listen)
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Catch ourselves when we start "working" for the Lord It is human thinking when we believe we must work for the Lord. This includes rituals like Sunday worship and even the commitment to read the Bibl... [see more]
Catch ourselves when we start "working" for the Lord It is human thinking when we believe we must work for the Lord. This includes rituals like Sunday worship and even the commitment to read the Bibl... [see more]