Sang Sur - Prayer Tents

Scriptures Marked by Sang Sur

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Thursday, February 13, 2020
Are you seen as a person with whom God walks? Jonathan trusted his dad, much like our kids trust us or we trusted our dads. Then Jonathan recognized that God was no longer with his father (“as He u... [see more]

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
We can be strong because of the grace of God. Whenever we feel tired or lacking, we can simply go to God and ask, “give me strength” or “give me what i need.” Because our God is gracious and ... [see more]

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
______ (your name) continued to succeed in everything he did, for the Lord was with him. When God is with us, He can enable us to 1. Do whatever is asked of us to be done successfully (especially in... [see more]

Sunday, February 9, 2020
Our resumes go beyond professional experiences. Here, Saul asks for David's resume to verify whether there is a chance David may beat Goliath. The actual resume comes from beyond his professional car... [see more]

Saturday, February 8, 2020
In Difficult personal or business decisions. We need to have a right relationship with God to be attentive and hear. Can you think of having to reject 7 employees for hire, or 7 client contracts, or ... [see more]

Friday, February 7, 2020
Love of money, then covering it up when caught. The Bible actually has stories that are similar to what we see in politics and celebrities' news. People do wrong in secret, they get caught and they j... [see more]

Friday, February 7, 2020
Let us not judge "Christian" bosses and expect them to treat us more favorably because they are Christians. We should always give our best in all we do.

Thursday, February 6, 2020
Mindset of a believer. There is nothing God cannot do, and He can certainly do it! I will simply listen and obey.

Thursday, February 6, 2020
Are we responsible for our relatives? In practical terms, Paul tells us to care for them if we are able. That way, as the church is able to help, they may focus their help on those that truly have no... [see more]

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Greatest leadership (and impact) occurs only when we trust God 600 vs. 9000+ ... who would win? Continuing from last chapter, Israel was a weak nation. Philistines were powerful. They were so powerf... [see more]

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
So-called Christians who are not accepted by God as His followers are 1. Hypocrites. People who do not do what they say or people do not do what they know is the right thing to do 2. Liars. People w... [see more]

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Elder (a pastor, any person called by God, you!) must: 1. Be faithful to his family 2. Have self-control 3. Live wisely 4. Have a good reputation 5. Enjoy having guests in our home 6. Be able to... [see more]

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
At the end of our lives, may we, too, testify of all that He has done. May our last words to our loved ones be “now stand here quietly before the LORD as I remind you of all the great things the LOR... [see more]

Monday, February 3, 2020
When things seem impossible, God can, and He would use us to do it. Here, a village in nation of Israel was giving into another country's request in despair because his nation (Israel) was not strong... [see more]

Sunday, February 2, 2020
We need to know Scriptures for ourselves so that 1) we can stand in the midst of false/errant teachings and 2) so that we may influences others by living it out and teaching others.

Sunday, February 2, 2020
Before setting out for something great, we need the filling of the Holy Spirit. We are called for great things. Yet, the great things in our lives are only accomplished (fulfilled, initiated by) God'... [see more]

Saturday, February 1, 2020
Our losses or uncertainties may be for our good When things don't seem to work out, look up and trust God. He has everything under control, and He is good.

Friday, January 31, 2020
Successful companies, but different by vision This verse lets me think about what it truly means to be successful (and for marketplace leaders, what it means to build successful businesses). When we ... [see more]

Thursday, January 30, 2020
Our sufferings are for our good. We have a good Father who is control of everything, and He loves us! Persevere brothers and sisters, as our current struggles are only for our good.

Monday, January 27, 2020
What our wives may look to us as Men of God. Our wives look to us for leadership in the family (and if you have not been demonstrating leadership in your house, you ought to take the lead as head of ... [see more]

Monday, January 27, 2020
Do people fear God because of you? In our days, I don't think people fear God much. From so-called Christians who see God as a genie to do as they please, to people who do not see a powerful God. L... [see more]

Monday, January 27, 2020
Controlling God, or not! “If we carry it to battle with us” v.3... (if we do X, such as attend church or read the Bible daily), then we will have control over God and have our way. This is a very... [see more]

Monday, January 27, 2020
Holy Living for Men of God. Verse 7 points to our calling to live holy lives, where holy means to be set apart or different from the rest of the world. Without holiness, we become the people of the w... [see more]

Sunday, January 26, 2020
Be ready to be sent. These verses challenge me quite a bit. If people needed strengthening, 1) Would others select me for it? Am I generally an encourager that strengthens others? 2) Would I be rea... [see more]

Sunday, January 26, 2020
Effective Small Groups, God needs to be there! In these passages, we read about a time when there were less people who could hear (commune with, speak with) from God. Even the high priest, who should... [see more]

Saturday, January 25, 2020
Offering and Money. These verses tell us how we should view offerings and money. As pastors, elders and people in other leadership roles in the church, we must remember that our purpose is not to fla... [see more]

Saturday, January 25, 2020
God's perfect plans I don’t think any of our lives would be filled with constant success (I would even venture to say that no one is ever successful without multiple defeats). And so, let us be gra... [see more]

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Prayer Tents is a Christian mission organization that serves Christians around the world and their local bodies to make disciples ("evangelize") more effectively in their communities. Prayer Tents provides resources to enable Christians to form discipleship-focused small groups and make their gatherings known so that other "interested" people may participate and experience Christ in their midst. Our Vision is to make disciples in all nations through the local churches so that anyone seeking God can come to know Him through relationships with other Christians near them.

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