Sang Sur - Prayer Tents

Scriptures Marked by Sang Sur

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Monday, October 7, 2019
Give in private, without showing others. I would also add, do the things that make you busy in private, while in front of others, be available.

Sunday, October 6, 2019
Some people are looking for teaching to help them with their struggles. We need to grow in influence so that people would want to hear and also grow in righteousness, living in the right way especiall... [see more]

Thursday, October 3, 2019
God's plans are always fulfilled. His divine providence and protection is there. Being aligned with God's will means that opposing/competing activities can be frustrated while we find success in our o... [see more]

Thursday, October 3, 2019
Our ability to teach (and when God gives us a method we can use to teach) is valuable. The goal is to make it so that the people can understand it. As people who are educated, we hold that power (we h... [see more]

Friday, September 27, 2019
What if God called you to do something that is likely to take up good part of your time? As we live on with many deadlines and packed days, i find it hard that we may also be able to hear Him and even... [see more]

Thursday, September 26, 2019
Iron pot refers to a place of perceived safety. In modern terms, we may feel safe because we have enough money, a house, investments, and insurance. Referring to where we live, a major city like the ... [see more]

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
God is in control and He saves the few. Interesting insights today. Though we have been reading about the sins of the “entire” nation, there seems to always be a few whom God spares, the few who ... [see more]

Thursday, September 19, 2019
This passage talks about how God leads us, provides for us, and enables us to endure Verse 5 gives clear direction, something to obey tangibly. Such clear message is something that we can only hear w... [see more]

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Call to businesspeople and others like you. This is ours.

Sunday, September 15, 2019
How to pray when we are uncertain how to pray: 1. State facts of what is in your heart, in your reality. For example: “my kids do not listen to me,” “I feel lonely,” “my profits are declin... [see more]

Saturday, September 14, 2019
Grace for those whom God loves. Sodom was destroyed because of sin. However, even though their sins were “greater than that of Sodom,” the people of Israel were not yet destroyed. The reason is t... [see more]

Tuesday, September 10, 2019
We can lose it all. As business owners and professionals, we can work hard to protect our businesses or our reputation. Insurance is certainly one of those. Let us not put our dependence on earthly ... [see more]

Monday, September 9, 2019
Pray for our enemies and those who persecute us. We know that God is just and He will judge and handle those who wrong us. Knowing this, we can pray for their healing and their turning back to God. ... [see more]

Friday, August 30, 2019
Something beautiful defiled to be a stench, something people would avoid. This is an image of what sin looks like. Here is a beautiful cistern that took much effort to build. Yet, due to the corrupt ... [see more]

Thursday, August 29, 2019
Our position as business leaders gives us the authority at times to help people go their way. It can be employees, missionaries, or anyone else using the influence, money and other resources we have. ... [see more]

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
One thing I notice about prophets of God is that even though people often hate their messages that they go to jail, are put in lions den, etc, they are respected. That too ought to be our positions i... [see more]

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Working with first generation Koreans, I may get upset when they waste a lot of time and cause much rework (and they do not seem to feel they made any mistake when they do). Perhaps the problem is wit... [see more]

Sunday, August 25, 2019
Do as God leads you regardless of your circumstances. Jeremiah does so even when imprisoned. Trust God and keep going.

Friday, August 23, 2019
As you do to your neighbor. This verse sounds similar to Matthew 25:40, where God recounts all that we have done toward the brothers and sisters around us. God is just and will pay back for the wron... [see more]

Thursday, August 22, 2019
God who fulfill His promises. He who started a good work in us will be faithful to finish it. Things may not seem to go well and even disastrous at times, but if we are pursuing the calling God has ... [see more]

Friday, August 16, 2019
God provides a way. Perhaps being satisfied is the way to go. Alternative could have been death of all people in Israel, but God gave the people of Israel an option for survival and “living as usua... [see more]

Thursday, August 15, 2019
Going against our education (our learnings and experiences) out of obedience. Jeremiah went against what he was taught from youth. Things of God are sacred and God would protect it. It may be the sa... [see more]

Thursday, August 8, 2019
Not afraid to ask. How often are we afraid to ask our clients to follow us, to buy from us, and do X with us. Yet, here, Jeremiah transcribed the command He received from God and did what God told hi... [see more]

Saturday, August 3, 2019
Learned about dog training from a book. Opposite of praise/reward is not punishment, but it is paying no attention! When we experience hardships, we can be grateful asking God what we can learn from ... [see more]

Saturday, July 27, 2019
Life's paradox How to not be legalistic? Look above. How to stop being selfish and die to self? Stop trying, and look above. How to be humble? Stop thinking about it, and look above. Let your focu... [see more]

Thursday, July 25, 2019
Today I think about how stubborn I can be. I love God with all my heart and want to quickly be available to Him (and others too) in all circumstances; but I start thinking about times when I am angry... [see more]

Sunday, July 21, 2019
This is what happens when we follow God's calling for our lives. We are not too young, or old for that matter, to carry out the will God has for us today. God can send us wherever He desires and guid... [see more]

Friday, July 19, 2019
Gents, I want to share something about the importance of what we are doing as we gather together and encourage one another. Here, the men gathered together, and God spoke through one of them (Peter).... [see more]

Friday, July 12, 2019
For some time, I have been thinking about the message of humility. It is not easy to come by today as our education system and individualistic society has taught us that WE must become smarter, bette... [see more]

Thursday, July 4, 2019
1. There is nothing that our God cannot do. We should pray when we face what-seems-like obstacles and hold faith that God will breakthrough. 2. Be careful of pride... when you are doing well with you... [see more]

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Prayer Tents is a Christian mission organization that serves Christians around the world and their local bodies to make disciples ("evangelize") more effectively in their communities. Prayer Tents provides resources to enable Christians to form discipleship-focused small groups and make their gatherings known so that other "interested" people may participate and experience Christ in their midst. Our Vision is to make disciples in all nations through the local churches so that anyone seeking God can come to know Him through relationships with other Christians near them.

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