Sang Sur - Prayer Tents
Scriptures Marked by Sang Sur
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Christians ought to continue to live in Him, growing in faith and overflowing in thankfulness
Christians ought to continue to live in Him, growing in faith and overflowing in thankfulness
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Seek Christ and His Will. This is where power of Christ can be shown in our lives
Seek Christ and His Will. This is where power of Christ can be shown in our lives
Saturday, February 26, 2011
This is how we ought to live. Also, lust and impurity are considered idolatry
This is how we ought to live. Also, lust and impurity are considered idolatry
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience, Forgiveness, and Love
Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience, Forgiveness, and Love
Saturday, February 26, 2011
For the Christians, I should not deal business w/ money, but be able to give freely (no interest) . . . I must be careful to not put anyone toward slavery -- but free men.
For the Christians, I should not deal business w/ money, but be able to give freely (no interest) . . . I must be careful to not put anyone toward slavery -- but free men.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The wicked demand much of the people for their own pleasures. I should learn to live on little and give the good toward others. -- but as v. 17 shows, this is only when people are already heavily burd... [see more]
The wicked demand much of the people for their own pleasures. I should learn to live on little and give the good toward others. -- but as v. 17 shows, this is only when people are already heavily burd... [see more]
Saturday, February 26, 2011
When I make a natural decision based on my hunches (with belief that God is with me and I'm following His voice), then I'm able to say "prophecies" or words of others have been made to make me stumble... [see more]
When I make a natural decision based on my hunches (with belief that God is with me and I'm following His voice), then I'm able to say "prophecies" or words of others have been made to make me stumble... [see more]
Saturday, February 26, 2011
God gives us ideas -- and we are to act upon it and believe it was from Him
God gives us ideas -- and we are to act upon it and believe it was from Him
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I need to have zeal for the Lord and know what His heart and prescriptions are!
I need to have zeal for the Lord and know what His heart and prescriptions are!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
People who claim we need to live righteous lives—in the eyes of the people—are people who believe the law. They may be people who are proud of their heritage, education, experiences, careers, and ... [see more]
People who claim we need to live righteous lives—in the eyes of the people—are people who believe the law. They may be people who are proud of their heritage, education, experiences, careers, and ... [see more]
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Those who fear God asks for nothing and takes care of others when they are already heavily burdened (v. 18). As people called to the marketplace, we can cover for others while we take care of others (... [see more]
Those who fear God asks for nothing and takes care of others when they are already heavily burdened (v. 18). As people called to the marketplace, we can cover for others while we take care of others (... [see more]
Saturday, February 5, 2011
A leader is held in different category than a member of the community. As leaders who God established to be His ambassadors, let us remain faithful and different than the world.
A leader is held in different category than a member of the community. As leaders who God established to be His ambassadors, let us remain faithful and different than the world.