Scripture Reflection by Sang Sur on Luke 1:14-16 posted November 15, 2019 - Prayer Tents
Modern concept of success may be money earned or fame given. However, God's views are often very different. When we think of John the Baptist, we often do not associate him as a successful person. Rather, he may be viewed as a person isolated in the desert and a madman telling people to repent. This similar lifestyle may perhaps be seen as a beggar in the subways in today’s times.
That was God's better plan! Something that would be a “great joy and gladness,” one who is “great in the eyes of the Lord.”
Verse 16 says why. John had the influence to turn many people to the Lord.
Let us be thankful for the positions, situations, life God has given us and aim towards leading others to Christ wherever God placed us (whether locational, situational, or even by the influence).
We can see that God is able to use unemployed desert madmen, and He can use us too.
14You will have great joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, 15for he will be great in the eyes of the Lord. He must never touch wine or other alcoholic drinks. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth. 16And he will turn many Israelites to the Lord their God.
Luke 1:14-16 (NLT)

Scriptures Marked by Sang Sur
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Ephah of flour. This was a lot. Not something someone would do in financially dire situation, as Gideon and his family and his nation faced with brutal gang members called the Midianites. Why did h... [see more]
Ephah of flour. This was a lot. Not something someone would do in financially dire situation, as Gideon and his family and his nation faced with brutal gang members called the Midianites. Why did h... [see more]
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
When men fail to lead, God carries out His plans with others. Deborah represents a mockery of a time when the people of Israel has fallen so far. This history repeats today.
When men fail to lead, God carries out His plans with others. Deborah represents a mockery of a time when the people of Israel has fallen so far. This history repeats today.
Monday, March 10, 2025
Judges is a remedial step. It's a second rate choice. An obedient leader like Moses and Joshua is ideal to keep the people trusting God. Yet, when the people have gone awry, God gave Judges to rescue... [see more]
Judges is a remedial step. It's a second rate choice. An obedient leader like Moses and Joshua is ideal to keep the people trusting God. Yet, when the people have gone awry, God gave Judges to rescue... [see more]
Monday, March 10, 2025
Just one person is needed. One person of faith kept the people from turning to other gods and trusting the one true God. Just one is all we need. One whose heart is devoted to God and obeys Him who... [see more]
Just one person is needed. One person of faith kept the people from turning to other gods and trusting the one true God. Just one is all we need. One whose heart is devoted to God and obeys Him who... [see more]
Monday, March 10, 2025
How we enjoy the world. It's so easy to think we will never change when we are in the presence of God and that we would honor Him forever. However, the realities come that we love the world and want ... [see more]
How we enjoy the world. It's so easy to think we will never change when we are in the presence of God and that we would honor Him forever. However, the realities come that we love the world and want ... [see more]
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Women in a corner. These verses describe a woman we cannot picture in today’s times. I suppose we might not understand what an extended siege and lack might look like. However, we can glean that p... [see more]
Women in a corner. These verses describe a woman we cannot picture in today’s times. I suppose we might not understand what an extended siege and lack might look like. However, we can glean that p... [see more]
Sunday, March 2, 2025
How to celebrate. Include those involved, of course. But also include those around you who do not have the ability to celebrate (foreigners and levites). The reality is, they are a blessing to you.... [see more]
How to celebrate. Include those involved, of course. But also include those around you who do not have the ability to celebrate (foreigners and levites). The reality is, they are a blessing to you.... [see more]
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Primary duty of a husband is to love his wife. Before nationalistic duties, duties of making money, or any other pursuits, the man’s primary duty is to love his wife. It is a picture of how Je... [see more]
Primary duty of a husband is to love his wife. Before nationalistic duties, duties of making money, or any other pursuits, the man’s primary duty is to love his wife. It is a picture of how Je... [see more]
Saturday, March 1, 2025
If adultery and infidelity was taken so seriously today. With media today, such as often glamorized. No wonder the increase in brokenness and lack of family cohesiveness. We are missing out on the bl... [see more]
If adultery and infidelity was taken so seriously today. With media today, such as often glamorized. No wonder the increase in brokenness and lack of family cohesiveness. We are missing out on the bl... [see more]
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Giving out of thanks. The fighting men, as represented by generals and commanders, gave thanks to God after the battle realizing that no one on their team was lost. It is very possible that we forge... [see more]
Giving out of thanks. The fighting men, as represented by generals and commanders, gave thanks to God after the battle realizing that no one on their team was lost. It is very possible that we forge... [see more]
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Picture of a true Christian. Always rejoicing (passionate, driven, directed, peaceful with an urge to run and keep going), yet, broken and hurt in the world’s sense of riches. Why have the world ... [see more]
Picture of a true Christian. Always rejoicing (passionate, driven, directed, peaceful with an urge to run and keep going), yet, broken and hurt in the world’s sense of riches. Why have the world ... [see more]
Friday, February 14, 2025
Christian life is hard, but we are joyful! Some people believe that once a person becomes a Christian, their lives are “easy” since now God takes care of them. It’s wishful thinking for those w... [see more]
Christian life is hard, but we are joyful! Some people believe that once a person becomes a Christian, their lives are “easy” since now God takes care of them. It’s wishful thinking for those w... [see more]
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Our difficult journey is not a curse, but a blessing. In the previous chapter, Israel was no longer able to take over the good land. Then, one idea can be to stop trying, give up, and assume we are ... [see more]
Our difficult journey is not a curse, but a blessing. In the previous chapter, Israel was no longer able to take over the good land. Then, one idea can be to stop trying, give up, and assume we are ... [see more]
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Foreigners are the same as us! Here is a provision God had for the gentiles. This is a reference to those who form relationships with us, staying with us for extended period. By performing the same ... [see more]
Foreigners are the same as us! Here is a provision God had for the gentiles. This is a reference to those who form relationships with us, staying with us for extended period. By performing the same ... [see more]
Thursday, February 13, 2025
The same battle, different outcomes. In the beginning of this story (starting from previous chapter), Israel was to win a super-amazing war and secure crazy amount of resources for their nation to fl... [see more]
The same battle, different outcomes. In the beginning of this story (starting from previous chapter), Israel was to win a super-amazing war and secure crazy amount of resources for their nation to fl... [see more]
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Tongues and prophecies. Yes, there are words of knowledge that God can give to a believer to speak truth into a life of a non-believer, but in majority of cases, prophecy is God’s direction to chan... [see more]
Tongues and prophecies. Yes, there are words of knowledge that God can give to a believer to speak truth into a life of a non-believer, but in majority of cases, prophecy is God’s direction to chan... [see more]
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Isn’t that more than enough? To have meals (our needs) met daily by God? He still does today. Let’s be grateful and live gladly, for we have what we need everyday without fail.
Isn’t that more than enough? To have meals (our needs) met daily by God? He still does today. Let’s be grateful and live gladly, for we have what we need everyday without fail.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Be with wrong doing sinners, but separate from wrong doing Christians. Jesus walked with the “sinners.” That was the chief complaint of the “church” during His lifetime. Paul seconds that b... [see more]
Be with wrong doing sinners, but separate from wrong doing Christians. Jesus walked with the “sinners.” That was the chief complaint of the “church” during His lifetime. Paul seconds that b... [see more]
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Servants of Christ, not His masters. We do what God tells us. We do not demand something other than what He tells us. This is the basis of miracles. We stay close to Him and do what He tells us, th... [see more]
Servants of Christ, not His masters. We do what God tells us. We do not demand something other than what He tells us. This is the basis of miracles. We stay close to Him and do what He tells us, th... [see more]
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Holiness required to meet God. Many people want to encounter God, for their health conditions, their lives’ greatest desires, and their circumstances. They know God can resolve them all and direct... [see more]
Holiness required to meet God. Many people want to encounter God, for their health conditions, their lives’ greatest desires, and their circumstances. They know God can resolve them all and direct... [see more]
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Rule vs freedom. Wearing clothes out of fear of death. We can be grateful for the freedom we have. Aaron and his sons needed to wear certain clothes because they would die if they didn't. The freedo... [see more]
Rule vs freedom. Wearing clothes out of fear of death. We can be grateful for the freedom we have. Aaron and his sons needed to wear certain clothes because they would die if they didn't. The freedo... [see more]
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Yes, sinners might come to have God meet their personal needs, but those whi have encountered Christ come to serve our Master Jesus. This is the key question we must ask in our churches and those who... [see more]
Yes, sinners might come to have God meet their personal needs, but those whi have encountered Christ come to serve our Master Jesus. This is the key question we must ask in our churches and those who... [see more]
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Speaking with God is a fearful thing. (But we need it!) Why did the people cower in fear? Because they did not have a relationship with God. They did not encounter the holy God who is so different f... [see more]
Speaking with God is a fearful thing. (But we need it!) Why did the people cower in fear? Because they did not have a relationship with God. They did not encounter the holy God who is so different f... [see more]
Thursday, January 23, 2025
God who is always there, but His presence is much closer at times. We tend to think of our Father-God who is always available. That is true, but the fallacy of only thinking that way is that we might... [see more]
God who is always there, but His presence is much closer at times. We tend to think of our Father-God who is always available. That is true, but the fallacy of only thinking that way is that we might... [see more]
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Primary concern when we come together: share the life of Jesus. Though the Message translation adds a few words here, the translator gets to the meat of the problem. When we come together, food can f... [see more]
Primary concern when we come together: share the life of Jesus. Though the Message translation adds a few words here, the translator gets to the meat of the problem. When we come together, food can f... [see more]
Saturday, January 18, 2025
God appear to him? Hardly! And that is the grace that we, who have encountered Him, tend to speak of. Let’s not forget how unlikely it is for us to receive God’s grace, but He gave it anyway, to... [see more]
God appear to him? Hardly! And that is the grace that we, who have encountered Him, tend to speak of. Let’s not forget how unlikely it is for us to receive God’s grace, but He gave it anyway, to... [see more]
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Starting over. Gos gives us plenty of opportunities to start over, including affecting our eternal lives. The one issue that remains for many people is our dependence on the old things that prevent ... [see more]
Starting over. Gos gives us plenty of opportunities to start over, including affecting our eternal lives. The one issue that remains for many people is our dependence on the old things that prevent ... [see more]
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Abraham’s blessing gave his son a wife! See previous chapters where Nahor and Milcah could not bear children. Abraham’s obedience gave them their children, which in turn blessed Isaac with a wond... [see more]
Abraham’s blessing gave his son a wife! See previous chapters where Nahor and Milcah could not bear children. Abraham’s obedience gave them their children, which in turn blessed Isaac with a wond... [see more]
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Healthy families. Basis of relationships. The church has always been under attack, and the attacks are often to break relationships, especially that of the family. Today, independence is the strivin... [see more]
Healthy families. Basis of relationships. The church has always been under attack, and the attacks are often to break relationships, especially that of the family. Today, independence is the strivin... [see more]
Feature coming soon
Feature coming soon