Decision to focus locally - Prayer Tents
2024.04.02 - Accepting Global Prayer Requests
As of April 2, 2024, we decided to accept prayer requests globally again, with the caveat that we will prioritize prayers that we will persistently pray over and pass the prayer requests to churches/Christians who are closer to you as we have been doing.
As a result, we limited the length of prayer content you can enter so those who pray for you can spend more time praying for you. Another optional box has been created to allow you to enter more details as desired.
Look forward to miracles when we pray. We hope to hear many testimonies of God encountering you where you are.
2023.04.24 - Decision to focus locally

As of April 24, 2023, Prayer Tents decided to accept prayer and 'conversation with Christian' requests from proximity to our NJ base only.
Why did we limit the prayer requests and conversations with Christians?
We love you all and wish to circulate your prayer requests to nearby churches and even pray for you. However, with the increased requests for prayer, the lack of support from local churches, and our lack of knowledge of churches in other countries, our ability to care for those who placed the requests became harder. We want to show care for those hurting and seeking, but we are currently ill-equipped to provide personal care and walk with the people requesting prayer and support.
What will happen going forward?
We will continue receiving prayer requests and conversations with Christian requests from people near our church in Ridgefield, NJ. We will also open up other regions when local churches volunteer to pray for and care for those who request prayer near them. If you are such a church, please reach out to us.
What can I do if I am not nearby and want to know if God can help me?
We suggest you seek a local Christian church and find help there. If you cannot find a local Christian church, don't hesitate to contact us, and we will do our best to connect you with organizations that may be able to connect you.
(Technical) What if I am close to the NYC/NJ area but need help accessing the prayer or conversation request page?
We are excluding locations by two factors. Primarily, if you enable sharing your location from your device and are within distance, you should be able to access the request page (you may need to refresh). Otherwise, we are looking at the IP address to determine your location roughly. We will manually reject requests from unsupported locations.