New Hymn 571. 역사 속에 보냄 받아 (We are born to this our nation) - Prayer Tents

New Hymn 571장.
역사 속에 보냄 받아
(We are born to this our nation)

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With Lyrics:
1. 역사 속에 보냄 받아
이 나라에 태어났다
많은 사람 가운데서
우리들을 부르시어
주의 복음 전하도록
귀한 사명 주셨으니
몸과 마음 다 바쳐서
복된 나라 이룩하자

2. 우리 조국 금수강산
할 일 많은 이 땅 위에
주의 뜻을 이루도록
보내심을 받은 우리
갈 길 잃고 방황하는
우리 민족 우리 겨레
주의 길로 인도하여
민족 구원 이룩하자

3. 같은 믿음 같은 사명
주께 받은 젊은이여
사랑으로 하나 되고
말씀으로 무장하자
우리 모두 힘을 합쳐
용감하게 전진하고
이 땅 위에 주의 나라
생명 바쳐 이룩하자
1. We are born to this our nation In the crucial time of this day.
God has called us for His own plan. From among men for His great will.
God has made us to propagate His great Gospel to the whole world.
Let us make this our great home land, Giving all of body and mind.

2. Calling us to beautiful land. For His greatest will to he done.
God has called us to our home land Where the tasks are many and great.
To the people wandering far Without their own future's goal.
Let us save this our own people, Leading them to Lord Jesus Christ.

3. God has called from this great nation All the young for His greatest cause.
Let us love and be one in Christ With our mind preparing for it.
Marching on together our hands, Bringing all of our will and power.
Let us build the Kingdom of God, Giving all of our life for it.

Sheet Music


New Hymn

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Prayer Tents is a Christian mission organization that serves Christians around the world and their local bodies to make disciples ("evangelize") more effectively in their communities. Prayer Tents provides resources to enable Christians to form discipleship-focused small groups and make their gatherings known so that other "interested" people may participate and experience Christ in their midst. Our Vision is to make disciples in all nations through the local churches so that anyone seeking God can come to know Him through relationships with other Christians near them.

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