Why would God let my teenage daughter die in our house fire? Please he - Bible Questions and Answers - Prayer Tents

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47. Why would God let my teenage daughter die in our house fire? Please help me with this question. Thank you
Asked by: Male, Over 60, North America on January 22, 2022 10:43:03 am



This is a tough question to answer, especially depending on the emotions attached to the person who has passed away.

Certainly, a loved one passing away would be sad, and it is easy to point to God who could have saved the person. As Christians, we believe God can heal and even resurrect the dead.

So, let me begin with the main reason. People die because we are not God. Perhaps I can say it differently: we are frail. Our frailty can be our ability to live only 80 years, but it can also be our frailty of being injured due to collision, or even being hurt by words of others. So then, that means there are many ways we can die, as we are imperfect and frail, unlike God.

In many ways, it is a good thing because that is when we can recognize that we need a Savior, and put our trust back in God. Often, it is because we feel we are in control and have what we need that we turn our core trust to ourselves and away from God. Yet, death is inevitable for all humans (See Hebrews 9:27) and God can or does not have to intervene in a person's death. He will only if it is according to His purposes (See Lazarus' resurrection in John 11), again, because He is God and is able to do so.

Does God love us? Yes. Like a loving Father, instead of fixing what seems to be a problem in the eyes of children, He resolved the eternal problem (John 3:16). In our eyes, we may think that our children, for example, living another year may be the better, but God would rather have our children live forever with Him in eternity than go to hell (See Matthew 5:29-30).

You may ask, what if my children did not have an opportunity to encounter God? Or what about unborn children? To some questions, Christians would not have the answer. All we can say is based on our relationship with God, we know that He is loving and just. Going back to Hebrews 9:27, if all born-people are to be judged by a just and loving God, then He must have proper provisions to judge them fairly. So then, Christians experiencing the same pain of loss would put their trust in God and believe that He would do what is just and loving.

Again, I recognize this is a difficult question, and the answer is likely difficult to accept as well depending on your current attachment and perhaps the length of time since the event. Please write back if I can support you any further.

Many blessings.

Answered by Dr. Sang Sur

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