Hi may I please ask for advice? We were brought up in a generous famil - Bible Questions and Answers - Prayer Tents

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57. Hi may I please ask for advice? We were brought up in a generous family like when someone begs for food or asks for a small amount of money, we give and try to help. To me, as a Christian, I am glad to help bc its an opportunity to show God's love, so I enjoy giving water or food, etc. However, sometimes people, especially little kids, come already EVERYDAY knocking and calling for food. This kinda made us uncomfortable and a bit hesitant to give already bc we feel like we are being taken advantage of and our generosity is being abused (though they are just asking for biscuits or water). However, when we sometimes refuse to give, I am haunted by guilt and conscience. I feel like I am super dirty and sinful in God's sight, so I end up being sad and dreading my whole day. What should we do? Should we give every single day? How do we discern if we should give or not? Thank you so much. Your help would mean a lot. May God give you wisdom and understanding as you answer my question. God bless!
Asked by: Female, 19-25, Asia, Christian on April 14, 2022 6:26:40 pm



Thank you for you the great question.

I understand your situation, and I wonder if it is a position to thank God because you can give. First, it seems you have a little more than others in your neighborhood, so you can give. Second, people look up to you (and perhaps your family) to provide for their needs. People go back to others who love them and care for them. God bless you for your generosity.

2Corinthians 9:7-8 (NLT)
You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.

One point I may suggest is to check your heart. God sees your heart, and that is what matters. Remember all the things God has provided us, and He can easily give and take them away. So, God is not interested in your giving much or little, but rather, are you doing it cheerfully out of your love for (and the love you received from) God?

I wonder if you did at first, but as you see people coming to your door and you feel you lack supply, perhaps your heart became more calculating and wondered if you are now left with too little. Try what verse 8 tells you, ask God to give you more so that you can care for more people.

I am grateful to hear that you see the needs while you are young in many ways. It means God may want to bless you as you pray for the people in need.

My advice is to focus on your heart and ask God to provide for all your needs. Ask God to enlarge your heart to cover for even more needs. May God bless you with much so that you can care for many people and welcome them to Christ.

Many blessings!

Answered by Dr. Sang Sur

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